Did You Know Construction Can Kill Trees?


We see it all the time: trees surrounding a newly built home dying as a result of soil compaction and mechanical damage from heavy machinery, as well as change in the native grade affecting soil depth and water flow. A tree preservation plan is needed prior to construction which prioritizes your woody landscape as an important part of your construction project. With a Pre-Construction Tree Preservation Consultation from Arbor Answers, our experts will build a custom plan for your construction site to encourage the trees to thrive following the completion of the project. 

Options for the Pre-Construction Tree Preservation Consultation:

  • On-site meeting to discuss construction plan and desired trees on the property
  • Customized plan to help protect your trees during and after construction
  • Installation of temporary fencing to give trees proper perimeters (if needed)
  • Installation of temporary root zone protection (if needed)

Contact us before you build to maintain the beautiful wooded landscape you desire!